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At the closure of the II Congreso del Cervim



We must make good use of the opportunities that the distinctive character of mountain viticulture offers us in terms of competing within the wine markets. These advantages include creating a dynamic socio economy, utilising the land, generating employment, creating social cohesion in rural areas; the wine sector offers opportunities to achieve all of this.
The holding of this Conference in Monforte recognises the work realised in the Ribeira Sacra and shows that Galicia has earned its right to be at the forefront of this movement. Also the Conference feels it is important to conserve a viticulture model based on offering a quality product with guaranteed transparency for the customer.
The viticulture characterised by steep slopes represents less than 5% of the total area of viticulture in Europe, but represents 100% of the wealth of the denominacíon de origen.
Galicia contains 8% of the vineyards of this character within the E.U. and until now is the only region that adheres to the Cervim.
This type of viticulture preserves precious landscapes and is a guarantee of environmental protection, rural development and tourist potential. For these reasons the Galician Government is unfolding a strategy to preserve this type of wine production. It has put in place the Plan of Global Actualisation of Agricultural Viticulture Infrastructures in the Ribeira Sacra, a plan that will invest 10 million euros until the year 2010, that aims to modernise production systems, to encourage the new generation into the agricultural sector and to promote improved working conditions.
We must recognise our own unique strengths and turn them into future opportunities. This meeting demonstrates that we are a united group that can provide a clear voice in Europe in defence of a viticulture model that is motivated by pride and the riches of our land. What is happening in the Ribeira Sacra is a reflection of how it is in Galicia and will be represented as such.
The government supports the model of denominaciónes de origen with actions such as officially approved contracts, payments in advance for the grapes, encouraging the promotion and selling of the wines outside of the area, contracts for sustainable cultivation methods, promoting an agriculture that respects the environment.
Now is the moment to assume a strong position and to put to rest the concerns that people have brought to this forum. It is a time to make important decisions. The government and the controlling body of the Galician D.O.s have a common position and a consensus about the distribution of community funds. The proposals put forward here are the following, that Galicia claims 8% of state funds from the OCM, it requests that the criteria for distribution takes into account employment generated and the number of existing employees and requests a new direction for investments.


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968