Location: Subregion of Ribeiras do Miño
Area: 4 Hectáreas
Production: 52.000 litros
Grape varieties: Mencía
Casal de Luci
Castillo de Lemos
Eido de Deus
Lagar de Nala
O Chubasco
Palacio de Diomondi
Terra Reggia
This bodega became part of the Ribeira Sacra in 1994, although it had already been producing and selling table wine for six years. This change in the philosophy of the bodega has resulted in major investments in the last few years, to enable it to meet the requirements of the D.O. It has also invested in its viticulture, increasing the total area of the vineyards located on the riverbanks of the Miño and Quiroga.
Tasting notes: dark red, red stone fruits such as plums with raspberry notes. Rounded in the mouth, direct, glycerin and with an end note of bitterness that gives liveliness.
Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain