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D.O. Ribeira Sacra toasted for cohesion at the XXIX Mostra de Viños da Ribeira Sacra de Pantón


D. O. Ribeira Sacra joined on Saturday, May 11th, in the celebration of D.O. Wine Day. 2024. At 1:30 p.m., its president Antonio Lombardía joined the collective toast in which the 35 denominations from across the country participated simultaneously.

This toast, which was hosted during the XXIX Mostra de Viños da Ribeira Sacra de Pantón, was organized by the “Conferencia Española de Consejos Reguladores Vitivinícolas” (CECRV). Its aim was to bring wine with designation of origin closer to the people and raise awareness about its positive impact in rural areas of Spain.

In this eighth edition of D.O. Wine Day, the focus was on the contribution of wine DDOOs to the social cohesion of the territories in which they are located. Under the slogan ‘Designation of origin gives life to our villages. Let's celebrate what unites us!’, a conversation was promoted on social media with the hashtag #VINODOcohesionsocial

In addition to the toast, the “Mostra de Viños de Pantón” was full of activities such as live musical performances, prize giving for the Red Ribeira Sacra-Heroic Viticulture photography contest, wine tastings with D.O. in commented tastings and gastronomic pairings.


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968


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