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The 2024 Harvest Begins in Ribeira Sacra: Gradual Start at 3 Wineries Following Initial Ripeness Controls


The 2024 harvest in the Ribeira Sacra Designation of Origin (D.O.) begins gradually and punctually in some wineries within the Denomination of Origin. Since August 26, the technical team of the Concello Regulador has been conducting the first ripeness controls in the five subzones that comprise the D.O.: Amandi, Chantada, Ribeiras do Sil, Ribeiras do Miño, and Quiroga-Bibei.

Following these initial controls, three wineries are ready to start grape harvesting from today. These wineries are Abadía da Cova, Adega Damm, and Adega Salvadur. This start, which begins today, August 29, and will continue over the coming days, is due to the very specific characteristics of the terrain where these vineyards are located, where the climatic conditions and the ripeness of the grapes are optimal. However, most wineries and grape growers within the Denomination of Origin will wait for the grapes to reach the ideal ripeness point before starting the harvest.

This is a punctual start to the harvest by these three wineries, as the meeting of the Concello Regulador's plenary session, which sets the recommended date for the official start of the harvest in the D.O. Ribeira Sacra, has not yet taken place. In any case, this date will be determined by the optimal ripeness of the grapes, as indicated by the aforementioned controls conducted by the Concello Regulador’s technical team.

The Concello Regulador will continue to oversee the progress of the harvest over the coming weeks, ensuring that it takes place under optimal conditions. It is worth mentioning that so far this year, no significant climatic or phytosanitary incidents have been reported that have affected the vineyards.


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968