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Start of harvest in Ribeira Sacra


"Adega Algueira S.L." located in the municipality of Sober in the sub-area of Amandi was the first winery that reported that starts the grape harvest in the Denomination of Origin, thus beginning the 2018 campaign.
This winery will start with the collection of grapes in certain plots, in which the conditions of the grape is optimal for its collection.

The technicians of the Consello Regulador for two weeks have been carrying out the maturation controls in plots representative of the five subzones of the Denomination of Origin. The results of these controls will help to establish an official recommended date for the generalized start of the 2018 harvest campaign in the territory of the Denomination of Origin.


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968


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