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10 tasters, evaluated 11 wine samples

The 2009 harvest from the Ribeira Sacra is VERY GOOD


Today the D.O. Ribeira Sacra held its qualification tasting for the harvest of 2009. It took place at the town hall in A Peroxa in the subregion of Chantada. For an hour the tasting panel, which consisted of 10 tasters, evaluated 11 wine samples, 10 of which were Mencía and one was a multi varietal wine. The samples were collected by subregion, in a manner that each subregion collected a sample from a bodega with a big production run and a bodega with a small production run.

The tasting panel was comprised of:
Eugenio Rodríguez Suárez, Member of the Association of Sommeliers Gallaecia
Pablo Vidal Rodríguez, Member of the Galician Tasters Association
José Antonio Portela Sánchez, Member of the Galician Sommeliers Association
Mikel Ceberio Aguirre, Member of de Sommeliers Assocation from Navarra
Waldo Carreiras Albo, Head of service de Promoción Agroalimentaria de la Consellería de Medio Rural
Bartolomé Sánchez Martínez, Gastronomic journalist.
José Luis Hernáez Mañas, Vine growing expert
Luis Díaz Álvarez, Journalist
José María Martínez Alonso, Member of the tasting panel CRDORS
Mar Vilanova De la Torre, Biological Mission of Galicia

Some of the tasters made the following evaluations:

??The wines of the Ribeira Sacra have a balance and delicacy that isn´t found in other D.O.s. They have lots of potential, they are distinctive wines that when the world gets to know them better, everybody will be asking for them. Keep it up? ( Bartolomé Sánchez)

??They are very unique wines, due to the climate, the soil,..the characteristics of this terrain. This year the wines have a good aromatic complexity, a variety of flavours and the best level of ripeness in recent years.? (Pablo Vidal Rodríguez)

??In spite of the climate, the wines are good and fresh tasting. Continuing the trend that the Denominación has had in recent years, the wines are generating much expectation because every year more is expected of them.? (José Antonio Portela)

??They are a product of this soil, exclusive wines, unique wines that could only be made here. Uniform wines, with a good structure on the palate,...and they are improving year on year.? (José Luis Hernáez Mañas)

In order to qualify the wines at this tasting they were awarded points from 0 to 10. An average was then taken from the evaluations of all the tasters. Between 6 and 8 is considered very good, above 8 is excellent. The 2009 harvest received an average figure of 7.2 points.


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968