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Be held in Monforte on 23th and 24th of May

XIX Edition Ribeira Sacra Wine Tasting organized by C.R.D.O.R.S.


The Regulatory Council of the DO Ribeira Sacra organizes the XIX edition of Tasting Wines of the Ribeira Sacra, to be held at the Parador de Monforte de Lemos on 23 (pre-tasting) and May 24th (final tasting).

The wineries participating in this edition are 33, the registered samples are 32 in the red wine category, 21 in the category of other vintages and 10 in the white wine category, with a total of 63 samples entered in this edition.

The panel shall comprises 11 experts tasting:

? José María Campos Villamarín specialized journalist, magazine Epicur
? Mariano Garcia, winemaker of Bodegas Mauro
? Juan Ángel Fernández Martínez, Tasting Panel Member of Ribeira Sacra
? Fernando Vilariño, Technical from CRDO Rias Baixas
? Waldo Carreiras Albo, expert in viticulture and enology
? José María Martínez Alonso, Tasting Panel Member of Ribeira Sacra, Summiller, owner of the Wineshop "O Beiro"
? Antonio Raluy Rodriguez, Galician Association of tasters
? Mercedes Gonzalez Rodriguez, Sommelier Association Gallaecia
? Luis Buitrón Barrios, Galician Association of Winemakers
? María Isabel Mijares y García Pelayo, expert in viticulture and enology
? Mar Romero Peratón, a journalist specializing in food and wine and host of "Mesa and rest" in Gestiona Radio.

The awards ceremony will take place on Friday, May 24, 2013 at the Parador de Monforte de Lemos at 15:00 h.


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968


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