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Presentation Guide for Wine, Spirits and Wineries of Galicia 2014


This 2014 edition of 2,000 copies have been printed .

The Guide contains over 478 reviews Wineries , Distilleries and " Colleiteiros " . Adding a total of over 1,500 brands of Wines and Spirits of Galicia. Were tasted over 800 wines and distillates .
This would have constituted 12 panels Cata, who participated in the 23 tasters , who made 381 descriptive tasting , with allocation of medals ( + 80 points for obtaining medal ) .
The graphic design of the Guide has been designed to provide maximum clarity and, at first glance , the reader identify the distinguished Wines ( outer margins ) , tasting cards (boxes ) and cosmetic bottles . The green and burgundy colors identify white and red wines . A palette of 5 colors are used to identify five varieties of distillates produced in Galicia under the auspices of the respective designations of origin.
Finally tasting vocabulary is incorporated , the list of grape varieties that occur in the OJ Galicia (along with an infographic on a map of Galicia , where production areas are indicated ) and three indexes : Wine and Spirits , Winery and another general so that the reader can easily locate the page where Wine , Distilled or looking Bodega appears .

The 2013 guide has recently won the award " BestWineTourism Book".

The distinctions obtained Ribeira Sacra wines are:


  • Algueira Escalada 2011
  • Algueira Merenzao 2011
  • Don Ramón 2011
  • Regina Expresión 2010
  • Adartia 2011
  • Linaxe de Lupián 2012

  • Algueira Cortezada 2011
  • Algueira Pizarra 2011
  • Algueira Fincas 2011
  • Peza do Rei Blanco 2012
  • Peza do Rei Mencía 2012
  • Peza do Rei Mencía Barrica
  • Casa Moreiras Blanco 2012
  • Estrela 2012
  • Saiñas Barrica 2011
  • Décima 2012
  • Abadía da Cova Albariño 2012
  • Fuga 2012
  • Casa Noguedo 2012
  • Ora et Labora 2012
  • Nogueiras 2011
  • Vel'uveyra 2011
  • San Mamed 2011
  • Diego de lemos 2012
  • Viña Vella 2012

  • Don Ramón Albariño 2011
  • Adega Vella Blanco 2012
  • Adega Vella TInto 2012
  • 12 Adega Vella 2011
  • Abadía da Cova 2011
  • Moure de Autor 2011
  • Viña Ferreiro 2012
  • Cruceiro 2012
  • Rectoral de Amandi 2012
  • Finca A Cuarta 2012
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