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Conference: Soil management and fertilization in the vineyard


The objectives of this conference are:

  •  Inform winegrowers on the aspects that should be taken into account for sustainable land management in the vineyard.
  •  Evaluate the use of cover crops as an alternative different soil management and defects on the quality of grapes and wine
  •  Introduce new fertilization techniques such as biofertilizers and fertigation
  •  Disseminate the results of research and field trials on ground cover and fertigation developed in Galicia and other regions of Spain

Recipients of this conference are growers, winemakers, wine experts, technical staff, research staff, students, ...

The term number is 100 people and the deadline for registration is April 28th.

Those interested should register and make the request through the website of the Conselleria do Medio Rural e do Mar.

Applications must be submitted to EVEGA by:

Fax: 988 488 191
E - mail:



Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968


Ethics Channel.