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Winners in the XX Ribeira Sacra Tasting Wines


The Tourism Parador has been the stage for the awards ceremony of the XX edition of Ribeira Sacra Tasting Wines.
The tasting panel formed this time by 10 experts had to examine a total of 67 samples submitted for competition among 37 wineries of the five sub-areas that make up the designation of origin .

The winning wines were:

WHITE WINES: 14 samples were presented and the winners were:
1st Prize: Viña Garoña from the winery Adegas Viña Garoña SL Award by D. José Manuel Fernandez Barreiro, Senator
2nd Prize: Almalarga from the winery Pena das Donas SL Award by D. José Luis Alvarez, Mayor of Panton
3rd Prize : As Glories from the winery Amedo SL. Award by D. Manuel Varela, Mayor of Chantada
RED WINES: 34 samples were presented and the winners were:
1st Prize: Regina Regina from the winery Regina Viarum SL. Award by D. Tomás Fernández - Juanas Couto, Secretary Xeral Rural Environment and Forestry
2nd Prize: San Mamed from the winery  Rosa M ª Pumar Rodríguez.  Award by D. José Ramón Losada , representing the Territorial Delegate
3rd Prize: Cruceiro from the winery Ramón Marcos Fernández. Award by D. Luis Fernández Guitián, Mayor of Sober

OTHER WINES VINTAGES: 19 samples were presented and the winners were:
VR Barrel 2011 from the winery Adegas e Viñedos Via Romana. Award by Ramon Carballo D. Paez, Subdelegado in Lugo
Via Romana Godello 2012 from the winery Adegas e Viñedos Via Romana SL. Award by M ª Isabel Mijares, representative Tasting Panel

The Regulatory Council of the Designation of Origin Ribeira Sacra used as prizes pottery made by the Elias González Oleiro at Centro Oleiro Rectoral de Gundivós in Sober (Lugo).

The awards ceremony was followed by the traditional meal held at the Parador of Monforte de Lemos .


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968


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