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XXI Wine Festival in Pantón


The XXI Ribeira Sacra Wine Festival in Pantón in the town of Ferreira as tradition is celebrated the first Sunday in June and is the last of the wine fairs held in the territory of the appellation.

Program activities

Saturday, May 31

  •  10:00 am .Open positions
  •  20:30 h.Official Opening by Mr. José Manuel Rodríguez González, President of the Ribeira Sacra CRDO.
  •  23:00 h .Metropolis Performing orchestra and Manuel Somozo , humurista of Luar TVG program .
  •  Throughout the day will act through the streets of Castro Ferreira Charanga hair

Sunday, June 1

  •  From 11:00 h. Pasacalles with Bagpipe Band O Castro, authorities Reception at Casa do Concello and Mass in the Hall of Sociocultural Building .
  •  From 13:00 h .at the Country Fair : Official Proclamation acargo ISI , actor and humurista of TVG .
  •  18:00 pm .Concert Band fours O Castro
  •  20:00 Party popular with the orchestra Paris de Noia
  •  Throughout the day performing on the streets of the Castro Ferreira Charanga Medialeva


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968


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