The appointment with Prowein, which will take place in Düsseldorf (Germany) from 17th to 19th March, is the first of the D.O. Ribeira Sacra abroad, this year.
This Friday, February 22, the wine Tasting of the 2018 vintage in the D.O.Ribeira Sacra was held in the Sociocultural Center of Paradela, with the objective of establishing an average valuation of this last harvest.
On Friday, February 22nd, the wine tasting of the 2018 harvest at the D.O. is held at the Sociocultural Center of Paradela. Ribeira Sacra.
Los vinos de la D.O. Ribeira Sacra estarán presentes en la XX edición de Xantar, el salón internacional de turismo gastronómico de Ourense.
La participación en ??Fitur 2019? destacó por la promoción del enoturismo y la Xunta de Galicia confía en que el Parque Natural Ribeira Sacra se convierta en Patrimonio Mundial de la Unesco.
Fitur y Enofusión, eventos que tienen lugar en la capital de España, primeros destinos en 2019 para la promoción de los vinos de la Denominación de Origen.
Este año destaca el aumento de la producción, la apuesta por la calidad y la promoción, la obtención de más reconocimientos a la vez que celebra el auge del turismo y la declaración de BIC del paisaje cultural de la Ribeira Sacra
The Regulatory Board of the Ribeira Sacra Designation of Origin wishes you a Merry Christmas
Ribeira Sacra says goodbye to the year by sharing opinions and experiences and celebrating the 13 medals obtained in the international contest "Mondial des Vins Extrêmes".
The wineries of the Denomination of Origin receive the individualized medals that accredit them as successful of the tastings of the HG&T magazine carried out between 2013 and 2017.
It reaches 6 million kgs and is characterized by the large media presence given the growing national and international interest in viticulture and the wines of the Denomination of Origin.
Established as the general date recommended for the beginning of harvest on September 25th, on September 11th began the harvest in Ribeira Sacra.
Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain