Location: Subregion of Ribeiras do Miño
Area: 1 Hectárea
Production: 9.300 litros
Grape varieties: MencÃa, Tempranillo
It belongs to a small bodega from the 1940s, built from local stone, restored and extended to adapt it the process of modern wine-making tecniques, without losing its artisan qualities of traditional production methods.
It is situated in a stunning area of vineyards and chestnut groves 300 metres from the beautiful 12th century Romanesque church of Santo Estevo de Ribas de Miño and overooking the Belesar dam. Its own vineyards are situated in stone walled terraces, around the bodega and nearby. It produces two types of wine: a young red wine and a matured red wine.
Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain