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IES Foz´s students visit Ribeira Sacra


Last Friday 21th a group of fifteen students from first and second year of half cycle of Restoration and Services from IES Foz ( Lugo) accompanied by two teachers, visited the CRDO Ribeira Sacra. The technician Eva Álvarez Arza made them an explanatory session on the designation of origin: characteristics of soil, subzones, varieties belonging to the denomination, winemaking process until its release, the Control Board functions, etc ...

After the explanatory session they moved to Regina Viarum to visit the first winery and vineyards of the Amandi subzone.
In the afternoon they visited the winery Feijoo Jorge Gonzalez and the vineyards of the subzone of Ribeiras Sil , and later they moved to the subzone of Chantada and visted Adegas and Vineyards Via Romana, ending the day at this winery .

It is noteworthy that these students are the future chefs, restaurateurs, sommeliers and service sector workers and restoration in general, which in future will be responsible for working with wines and so it is essential to know the appellation Ribeira Sacra, an appellation of origin close and booming.


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968


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