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Victoria Moore visits Ribeira Sacra


Journalist Victoria Moore from the UK newspaper The Telegraph, and who owns the blog "Planet Victoria's World of Wine" visited during three days wineries and vineyards enrolled in the appellation Ribeira Sacra.
During her visit she also held at the headquarters of the Regulatory Council of the DO Ribeira Sacra a wine 38 wine samples (8 of 30 white wine and red wine) 14 wineries belonging to the appellation.
The rest of the day she will be devoted known wineries and vineyards in different subareas of the appellation of origin.

Victoria Moore already knew some Ribeira Sacra wines exported to their country of origin, but wanted to know first the cellars where the wines are made, their producers and landscape in Ribeira Sacra gives great personality to the wines.


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968


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