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Gallaecia Awards and Excellence Awards 2014 Tastings


In the tasting room of the Ribeira Sacra Regulatory Council took place the tasting of wines from Ribeira Sacra "Distincións Gallaecia 2014" awarded by the Galician Association of Sommeliers Tasting Gallaecia and awards for "Excellence 2014" awarded by the Association took place Tasters Gallega.
The number of participants for both samples was 109 contests between white and red wines, this tasting that pass the first stage, and later to participate in the finals.

The tasting panel was made up of nine tasters, both associations technicians, who are responsible for conducting the blind tasting of all the wines involved.


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968


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