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Sample Collection for the Rating Tasting Harvest 2014

On Friday 6th began the samples collection for the Rating Tasting Harvest 2014 that will take place the 20th in the town of Carballedo, belonging to the subregion of Chantada, in Lugo.

President of the Regulatory Council presents Ribeira Sacra in Fitur

José Manuel Rodríguez is present in the International Tourism Fair Fitur, which presents the new guide Wineries and Wines of Ribeira Sacra.

Ribeira Sacra gathers the Galician Regulatory Councils

The Ribeira Sacra Regulatory Council has hosted the annual luncheon of fellowship that brings together the 25 Galician Regulatory Councils (DOP) and Protected Geographical Indication (IXP) in Galicia.

Ribeira Sacra the Galician D.O. better punctuated by "The Wine Advocate" of Parker

The documentary made by Luis Gutierrez, taster of the prestigious American publication "The Wine Advocate" after his visit last October, puts Ribeira Sacra wines among the best rated into Galician region.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015

The Denomination of Origin Ribeira Sacra Regulatory Council wishes you happy holidays and a successful new year.

Presentation of the Guide of Wines, Spirits and Cellars of Galicia 2015

This morning was the presentation of the 2015 edition of the Guide to Wines, Spirits and Cellars of Galicia at the Ribeira Sacra Center. In this third edition of the guide has greatly increased the presence of wines from Ribeira Sacra, as underlined its author Luis Paadín who was accompanied by the president of the Regulatory Council.

Awards ceremony of the 22nd International Mountain Wine Competition

Christmas' lunch that every year organizes the Regulatory Council was the venue for the awards that Ribeira Sacra wines obtained in the international competition held last July in Italy.

Ribeira Sacra wines presented in Segovia

The president of the Regulatory Council of the Denomination of Origin, José Manuel Rodríguez, presented on Saturday Ribeira Sacra wines in the city of Segovia, in the event of "Otoño Enológico", where attendees were also able to enjoy a tasting.

Jornada: Buenas prácticas en el marketing del vino

El próximo 13 de noviembre se celebra una jornada sobre la práctica del markieting del vino en Verín (Orense). La jornada está organizada por la Estación de Viticultura y Enología de Galicia (EVEGA).

Balance end of harvest

Last October 11 was taken for completion of the harvest in Ribeira Sacra. Were collected about 5 million kilograms of grapes per 93 wineries draw came under the protection of the appellation of origin in this campaign.

Harvest official figures

On September 4th harvest began in Ribeira Sacra, being September 18th the recommended date by the Regulatory Council for the start of harvest. Daily are available official data collection and the number of wineries that are harvesting.

Luis Gutiérrez of "The Wine Advocate" makes a wine tasting of Ribeira Sacra

Luis Gutierrez, Spain taster for the American publication "The Wine Advocate" directed by Robert Parker, today visited the Regulatory Council of the Denomination of Origin for tasting wines from Ribeira Sacra.


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