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Ribeira Sacra wines awarded at Bacchus 2014

Ribeira Sacra wines are in luck, two brands have been awarded in the XII edition of the Bacchus 2014 International Wine Competition held in Madrid.

Winners in the XXXII Chantada Wine Festival

Chantada already winning wines in the official tasting held on Sunday, March 9th in the XXXII edition of his Wine Festival, the most wine festival early-morning in Ribeira Sacra.

Jornada "Aspectos actuales de la patología de la vid cara a una viticultura sostenible"

El 28 de marzo en el Centro Sociocultural de Sober (Lugo) se desarrollará esta jornada dirigida a viticultores, bodegueros, investigadores,...que organiza la Estación de Viticultura y Enología de Galicia y en la que colabora el CRDO Ribeira Sacra.

Presentation of Ribeira Sacra in the Valdepeñas Wine Museum

On Friday March 14 the Regulatory Council of the Denomination of Origin Ribeira Sacra will conduct a public tasting of the Appellation of Origin: viticulture, wine and scenery at the Wine Museum in the city of Valdepeñas in Ciudad Real.

Ribeira Sacra at the Gourmets´Salon in Madrid

Ribeira Sacra will be present from 10th to 13th March at the Gourmets Salon which like every year is celebrated in Madrid, in the IFEMA fairground Juan Carlos I.

Chantada Wine Festival

The next 7, 8 and 9 March the XXXII edition of the first fair of the year comes in Ribeira Sacra, a program of varied activities, tastings prior to the Fair and Official Wine tasting is held.

Result Rating Wine Harvest 2013

The rating Harvest Ribeira Sacra 2013 is very good. The tasters who have formed the tasting panel have awarded a score of 7.8, only two tenths of excellent rating that is awarded a score of 8.

IES Foz´s students visit Ribeira Sacra

A group of students from middle cycle of Restoration and Services from IES Foz (Lugo) visit to the DO Regulatory Council Ribeira Sacra for technical information on the designation of origin and winemaking, also visit wineries and vineyards in different subregions.

Gastronomic Forum Coruña´14

From 23th to 25th February is celebrated in ExpoCoruña (A Coruña) the Gastronomic Forum that will bring together leading food professionals that offer their creations for seafood paired with local products.

Rating Tasting Harvest 2013

Yesterday February 17th, began collecting the samples for the Rating Tasting Harvest 2013 that will be held on February 28th at Pombeiro ´s Church in the town of Pantón, subzone Ribeiras do Miño.

Presentación Ribeira Sacra en el Museo Interactico de la Historia de Lugo (MIHL)

El próximo jueves día 6 a las 19:00 h. el Consello Regulador realizará la presentación "Un sabor, un paisaje" de la denominación de origen a los asistentes al acto de inauguración de la exposición artística multidisciplinar "8MIHL".

Xantar 2014

Del 5 al 9 de febrero en el recinto ferial de Expourense tendrá lugar la 15ª edición del Salón Internacional de Gastronomía y Turismo, y como cada año el CRDO Ribeira Sacra estará presente promocionando los vinos de la denominación de origen.


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968


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