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VI Jornadas Gastronómicas Ponte Vella

El próximo lunes 25 de noviembre comienzan las VI Jornadas gastronómicas Ponte Vella, Sabores y armonías de Ourense, donde estará presente el cocinero Diego López, jefe de cocina del restaurante Molinera de Lalín.

The Ribeira Sacra CRDO president has been appointed Honorary Cofrade Canary Wine

On 23 October, the Grand Council of the Brotherhood of Canary wine Plenary Assembly decided to appoint Jose Manuel Rodriguez Gonzalez Honor Guild Wine Canary Islands.

Ribeira Sacra increases its presence in the U.S.

New York critic Matt Kramer of Wine Spectator, chooses two Ribeira Sacra red wines in the Wine Experience, the big event wine in New York.

Fin de Vendimia en Ribeira Sacra

Total de kgs. recogidos en la campaña: 4.769.985

Vintage Information at 10-17-2013

Grape harvest information at October 17th.

D.O. Ribeira Sacra en San Sebastian Gastronomika

Los vinos de Ribeira Sacra se podrán catar en la ponencia "Terra e mar: Sabores con acento gallego" junto con otros alimentos de calidad diferenciada

A Ribeira Sacra in Obama

Obama celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with a gallego red wine"Peza do Rei", a red wine from Ribeira Sacra, has been chosen for the Gala dinner Hispanic Heritage Month to be held on October 2 in Washington.

Vintage Information at 25-09-2013

Of the 99 wine cellars that can produce wine under the DO this campaign, have begun works of vintage 15 of them.

October 2th as recommended date for the beginning of harvest

Agreement thought by the plenary session of the Regulatory Council

Vintage information at 18-09-2013

Date September 18th with one opened wine cellar they take to themselves gathered 7.040 kgs. of the variety mencía.

Beginning the harvest

The first winery starts the harvesting

Distinctions Gallaecia

Publication of the winning winesWines have been published that have won the award for Sommelier Association DISTINCIONES GALLAECIA Galicia in 2013.


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968


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