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Belarmino Fernández Iglesias. RUBAIYAT

Belarmino Fernández Iglesias, born in Rosende, Sober (Ribeira Sacra) in 1931, who has spent 20 years as an emigrant in Brazil, in São Paulo. There he started up the restaurant chain Rubaiyat, which...

Everybody had thought it was going to be a bad year but it turned out ...

The D.O. Ribeira Sacra collected 5.614.092 kilos of grapes at this year´s harvest, the greatest quantity since the Denominación came into existence. As well as the quantity, the excellent...


The results of the XXII Galician Wine Tastings, that are organised by the Council for the Environment, have just been announced in Verin.

Two of the autonomous awards were given to...

The D.O. Ribeira Sacra received 8 ??Distinciones Gallaecia?,...

The tastings for the Xth edition of the Distinciones Gallaecia have just finished in Silleda. The prizes are awarded by the Association of Sommeliers of Galicia ??Gallaecia? and they are recognised as...

The D.O. Ribeira Sacra was awarded 13 prizes at Aosta.

The competition took place from the 1st to the 3rd of July. The D.O. contributed 27 samples from 19 bodegas, of the 27 samples, 12 received prizes, as well as these the Ribeira Sacra once again...

??Only a few places in the world can compare.....

For the third time in two years, the German journalist Jürgen Mathab, has visited the D.O. Ribeira Sacra. Jürgen Mathab is in Galicia from the 15th until the 19th of June getting to know more...

Prizes for the best wines of the D.O. Ribeira Sacra.

The Parador de Turismo in Monforte was the place chosen to celebrate the closing meal of the XVI edition of the D.O. Ribeira Sacra wine tasting. This event was used to present the prizes for the...

Architectural and monumental wine production. Ribeira Sacra

Where the fierce Atlantic storms beat against the rocky prow of an old, static ship called Galicia, that pours water constantly from its wounds; Where the trees loom tall and elegant, festooned with...

The holding of the Assembly of the C.E.C.R.V. ...

The Consejos Reguladores Vitivinícolas de España (the Spanish Regulatory Wine Bodies) at the assembly held by the D.O. Ribeira Sacra, insisted on their disagreement with the liberalisation of...

The D.O. Ribeira Sacra is holding the Assembly of the CECRV

On the 16th and 17th of April the Wine Regulatory Bodies of Spain will meet at the Denominación de Origen Ribeira Sacra. For the President of the C.R.D.O.R.S., José Manuel Rodríguez, it is...

??The fortunate ones will drink wine from the Ribeira Sacra this easter.?

José Luis Baltar, from Esgos, in Ourense province, has been President of Ourense County Council since 1990. He practised as a teacher in Nogueira de Ramuín (Ribeira Sacra) in the 60s and 70s,...


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968