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The 2011 harvest of the Ribeira Sacra is evaluated as VERY GOOD

The D.O. Ribeira Sacra held its qualification tastings for the 2011 harvest today. The tastings took place at the Parador de Turismo de Monforte in the subregion of Amandi. The tasting panel...

The Wine Road to Santiago

Galicia??s best-known wine region is Rías Baixas on the west coast, where mostly white wine is produced. Inland lies Ribeiro, which produces reds and whites. Some of the best reds come from Ribeira...

Ribeira Sacra by Gerry Dawes

The Magnificent Seven: The Ribeira Sacra Producers of The Spanish Artisan Wine Group
Recently someone asked ??Which Ribeira Sacra wine is The Spanish Artisan Wine Group bringing into the...

The prizes for the best wines of the D.O. Ribeira Sacra

The Parador de Turismo in Monforte was chosen as the venue to celebrate the closing dinner for the XVII edition of the wine tasting of the D.O. Ribeira Sacra. This event was used to present...

The 2010 harvest in the Ribeira Sacra is rated VERY GOOD

The tasting panel, was comprised of seven judges, it evaluated 10 wine samples, 2 from each subregion. The harvest was rated as VERY GOOD, with an overall mark of 7.0, with all samples...

??This is wine from the soul of the earth. It is wine in its pure state?

Francisco Rodríguez Iglesias born in Castelo, Taboada (Ribeira Sacra) in 1949, in 1985 he set up Hércules Ediciones, since then he has concentrated his efforts on ??Proxecto Galicia?, a...

??You have to achieve your goals everyday?,

The D.O. Ribeira Sacra came to the end of an excellent year. Like the year before it sold all of its harvest which had received a VERY GOOD rating in the quality control tastings, the grape...

Belarmino Fernández Iglesias. RUBAIYAT

Belarmino Fernández Iglesias, born in Rosende, Sober (Ribeira Sacra) in 1931, who has spent 20 years as an emigrant in Brazil, in São Paulo. There he started up the restaurant chain Rubaiyat, which...

Everybody had thought it was going to be a bad year but it turned out ...

The D.O. Ribeira Sacra collected 5.614.092 kilos of grapes at this year´s harvest, the greatest quantity since the Denominación came into existence. As well as the quantity, the excellent...


The results of the XXII Galician Wine Tastings, that are organised by the Council for the Environment, have just been announced in Verin.

Two of the autonomous awards were given to...


Address: Comercio 6/8. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). 27400 Spain (+34) 982 410 968


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